An eclectic mix of great short films: narratives, documentaries, animations, and music videos.
Alba discovers love and sexuality at the moment where she’s quitting childhood to become a woman.
Madness ensues in a restaurant parking lot when a desperate server confronts her disappointed table, a young couple celebrating their Tinder anniversary, after they write a negative review about her service (and hair) online.
The Darkness Demon has swept over the world, trying to set the ending of Light unlike the earlier promises and prophecies. It is in such an era that a flock of Red birds travel in search of the Red Fire; a Fire that according to the prophecies, wipes out the blackness and puts an end to the constant eclipse and absence of the Sun. But where are they going to find the Red Fire?
A dramedy film that explores the humor, trauma and absurdity of infertility in a refreshingly bold and raw way. This story is inspired by creator Helen Kennedy Turner's many years struggling with infertility and the stories and experiences of others she met along the way.
Zowie is a first time novelist thrust into the throes of grief when she loses her person, and with them: her own gravity. Now the only “novel” she can manage is a children’s book about a girl whose only superpower is falling down. That no one wants to publish. Caught between mourning and reality, can Zowie figure out how to get her feet back on the ground?
In a dystopian future where Corporate hiring practices are policed by an elite division of the military, a General must determine if her ideal candidate is fit for the position or must pay the price for non-compliance.
We Save Us is a short poetic documentary centering the expressions of New Yorkers leading up to the 2020 U.S. presidential election results. As tensions rise, the movement led by Black female activists to end police violence is ever-present. Combining various montage techniques with soundscapes that evoke sociopolitical histories of the past, We Save Us portrays the voices that echo the unrelenting fight to preserve Blackness in America.
ÁINE is a story about raising a daughter in a world that has already defined her potential. This documentary short film follows the life of a young girl with Down Syndrome from her mother's pre-natal findings through to her present day challenges. As the family navigates unexpected turns, this little
A visual love letter from a mother to her daughter,born in 2020, a year that we all will remember.
When Sarah meets Kaley, her inability to admit she’s out of her depth quickly spirals out of control, landing her face to face with the self-styled “pharmaceutical entrepreneur” Dirk. Mistaking her big-noting for interest in becoming a dealer, before she knows it Sarah is $20,000 in debt to a cartel, waging a sex war and trying not to get bloodstains on the 'good towels'.
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