An eclectic mix of great short films: narratives, documentaries, animations, and music videos.
Schedules and Screening Blocks are subject to changes
Drama High is a romantic comedy series about a working-class high schooler, who uses her knowledge of Asian dramas to gain a favorable social status at her new elite school. Along the way, she catches the attention of the two richest and most popular boys at school, which causes her to rethink her strategy. Through the main protagonist’s tenacity, the series explores popular Asian drama tropes, AAPI issues, and class conflict–all through the microcosm of high school.
This candid short doc features interviews with Black women who have or are currently experiencing a mental health crisis; insight from Black therapists regarding the particular mental health challenges Black women face; resources to cultivate healing and tools to identify self.
After many years of being estranged from her family, Behnaz Jafari returns home and reveals secrets to her Sisters.
Jenny, a sleepless mother, desperately goes to a dealer in a suburban basement to regain her sanity.
Based on the poem by Agnes Walsh. The story of how the old ones found a use for everything. When Jeannie lost her father, he is waked at home, his pine box laid across two chairs in the parlour. Jeanie’s father has long lived inside a box.
RESIST: The Resistance Revival Chorus captures the efforts of a diverse group of women and non-binary individuals’ mission to confront fear, oppression, and prejudice with the bonding call of poet Toi Derricotte’s words, “Joy is an act of resistance.” With the harmony of their voices uplifted in song, a universal language of justice and joy engages the world.
This story is about how women experience fear and discomfort while walking on the street. In this film we see Maya going through this feeling of insecurity in a task as simple as walking home, a thing made dangerous by the current violent climate in Mexico. This is not an uncommon feeling found in all women who experience the fear and questionable security on the streets of their home towns.
A broken-hearted woman finds unexpected companionship and closure in the process of cleaning up period blood the morning after a hookup.
Cpt. Nathalie "Nat" Hernandez returns home from deployment in Iraq, to marry her girlfriend, Lucy Gainor. Nat's best friend, Sgt. Anton Peters, throws them an engagement party at the bar owned by his wife Millie. But Nat and Lucy are hit by drunk driver on their way home. When the court system fails them, Nat must decide how far she is willing to go for justice for Lucy.
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