An eclectic mix of great short films: narratives, documentaries, animations, and music videos.
Schedules and Screening Blocks are subject to changes
Jean, a reclusive housewife trapped in the prison of a dreary suburban existence, begins to descend into madness. When she suspects that her husband Michael may be a serial killer, she must decide whether to let sleeping dogs lie... or question the very reality of her existence.
In this modern romantic (?) comedy, a Tinder date takes an unexpected turn when Cassandra, a chronically single Black woman, stops apologizing and starts speaking her mind.
In any war, there is always a soldier who has lost and the women who are waiting for him to return. The dreams these women weave carry them to the farthest seas. Knowing there is no return, they weave and weave to treat the wounds of war.
Directed By Us is a documentary series centered on BIPOC stories. We feature stories of creatives and entrepreneurs directing their purpose, starting with the people of The Bronx, New York.
This video documents Mariel Mejia, founder of Pink Root Products, a natural hair care brand she developed for the natural hair community.
An anxious divorcée and a free-spirited wanderer form an unlikely friendship as they journey to the West Coast and self-discovery.
An imaginative young girl goes searching for a planet that can sustain life. But when the girl finds herself unexpectedly stranded its left up to her mother to guide her daughter, and herself, home.
Makayla Murphy (Amber Nicolle) is given a box with her estranged husband’s (Bobby Burrelli) last effects. And through the process of sorting his items, Makayla must come to terms with his death and what that means for her life.
In this very personal, modern drama, we see that mourning a suicide is often times bewildering, frenetic and intensely isolating.
AMBROSIA follows the lives of three people in rural Iowa: a woman in an abusive marriage, an alcoholic husband, and a bartender. Margaret, the wife, publicly bares her bruises as she spends her time longing for an escape. As her day goes on, a foreboding storm rolls in, and all three characters are forced together in a shocking twist of fate.
What makes us human is our strong ability to feel different emotions. While we may all endure different intensities of emotion during our lives, it's beautiful to think that we will go through all the same feelings and that we are universal in that way.
Morkovcha, Korean Carrot Salad tells a story of ethnic Koreans from Russia and the post-Soviet territories. The history is told through conversations between a mother and a daughter, fragmented memories, and my family photo archive. An important character of the film is Morkovcha, an invention of the Russian Korean diaspora; its essence is symbolic of this mixed identity.
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