Trust Frank - 28 min

Trust Frank - 28 min

“Trust Frank” is a sentimental and gently humorous film about two lonely elderly people struggling to battle serious infirmities as they age.

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Created by Penny Moore
Lead Actors John Flaus (Frank)Brenda Palmer (Rose)
Supporting Actors Albert Goikhman (Doctor)Joseph Balwin (Delivery Boy)
Key Crew Con Filippidis (DOP)Joshua Collins (Art Director)Shaun Smith & Malwina Wodzicka (Editors)Kwamena Brace (Original Music)Adan Salas (Sound Mix)


Romance Comedy Drama

Neighbours, Frank and Rose share a distain for each other. When Rose has a bad dementia episode in public and latches onto Frank, the walls come crashing down. Rose encourages Frank to fight his cancer and Frank assists Rose to live at home with her dementia unassisted.