Love of Silence

Love of Silence

The plot describes a girl with a slight handicap who leads an ordinary life at school. Her best friend usually takes good care of her. But during these days, the girl gradually found that there was an

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Created by Han-YunTsaiZhi-LingChen
Lead Actors HoXing-RanSunFifi
Supporting Actors LinYen-Chen
Key Crew Han-YunTsai


Documentary and Reality

The plot describes a girl with a slight handicap who leads an ordinary life at school. Her best friend usually takes good care of her. But during these days, the girl gradually found that there was an atmosphere of love permeating around her best friend. She has never been in love, so she has a longing for a relationship. When a girl meets a boy, she gets very curious about the boy with the same disabilities. Gradually, they begin to walk into each other’s lives, the emotion of youth is also slowly fermenting...
What we want to express is that with the growth of fast-food love culture in modern society, depressive tendencies, emotional blackmail, and verbal bullying have frequently spreaded. Recall that in relationships, people are always blind, they will choose to turn a blind eye or turn a deaf ear, and even use extreme measures to hurt each other. But just imagine, when one day, all the abstract malice becomes concrete, when we really can’t hear, and can’t say I love you anymore. Without the voice and senses, can we still have the courage to love someone? Therefore, through the above reflection, we decided to use the physically and mentally disabled as the main axis of the story to illustrate their unique emotional appearance. We also hope to tell everyone that they are not too different from us, and hope society will treat them with gentleness.