

'Citywide Uprising!' The loud slogan could be heard in the Summer of 2020. The journey before being detained -- Wong Ji-yuet, 22 years old, arrested in the Rescue, charged of Rioting, now in a prison.

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Created by Anonymous
Lead Actors Ji-yuet Wong
Supporting Actors none
Key Crew Anonymous


Biopic Documentary and Reality

The victory of the resistance camp candidates came too late.
'Citywide Uprising!' The loud slogan could be heard across New Territories West in the Summer of 2020. Wong Ji-yuet, 22 years old, arrested in the Rescue Poly-U Action, charged of Rioting, runs in the Democrats Primary election as an independent candidate.  If a politician's job is to gain support from both the supporter and the opposer,let's see how Wong Ji-yuet did her job as a resistance camp candidate.