An Ordinary Life

An Ordinary Life

Two women who have escaped the horrors of Africa search for sanctuary in Tel Aviv and Berlin, where they are forever foreigners. Their shared destiny unites them as they struggle to change their fate.

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Created by Efrat Shalom DanonGili Danon
Key Crew Script: Efrat ShalomDanonGili Danon | Cinematography: Gili Danon


Documentary and Reality

Fadhumo and Helen are two refugees who need sanctuary in Israel and Germany. Each in her own way copes with discrimination, foreignness, and a life without roots. Simultaneously they become close friends and social activists determined to help women like them and provide a better future for coming generations.
Between Tel Aviv and Berlin they live under differing regimes – the "open door policy" on one hand; the "infiltrators' exile" on the other. Their fate is identical: an unstable life controlled by government policy, exposed daily to human kindness and cruelty, hoping that despite everything, their dreams may still come true.