A woman finds herself uncontrollably weaving between three parallel lives, and must find out why this is happening and how to stop it before she loses her mind.

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Created by Renata Mellão (writer/director/producer) Lucio Gallo (producer)
Lead Actors Briana MarinErik MarmoRenata Zhigulina
Supporting Actors Brittany LewisJae KimBarbara KeeganJessica Eggleston
Key Crew Lucio Gallo (DP)Guilherme Freitas (1stAC)Maxwell Mahan (Production Designer)Kevin Lavelle (Editor)Victor Costa (1stAD)Magdalena Lech (Production Coordinator)Antjuanette Shipman (Costume Designer)Tess Miller (Hair&Makeup)Arihel Bermudez (Sound Recordist)Taylor Westerfield (Sound Mixer)



Alexis wakes up in a pool in the middle of nowhere. She walks in a fog until she comes across an old friend. Just as she thinks she knows who and where she is, she jumps into an entirely different life. Then jumps again. As she tries to make sense of her three lives with her therapist, she's hounded by sounds and images that begin to fracture her sense of self and reality.