as the hands of the clock srike 8:37 two lives veer onto a path of mutual destruction.

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Created by J. Hank WhiteJOE G. LECLAIR
Lead Actors Glen GouldPasha EbrahimiMark OwenAmy Trefry
Supporting Actors David ChristoffelDaniel Lilford
Key Crew Juanita Peters Director Jeff Wheaton CinematographerJ. Hank White ProducerMarty Williams ProducerJoe LeClair ProducerThom Fitzgerald Executive Producer



Jared Peters and Sergei Radic, two youth from vastly different backgrounds become forever linked in a split second with the four pound trigger pull of a snub nosed 38. Twenty two years later, that single moment still reverberates when Jared Peter is released from prison for the death of Sergei’s father, a convenience store owner. Deeply regretful, Jared tries to forge ahead into a better life and the art of his ancestors. Conversely, Sergei descends into an abyss of revenge driven obsession. As the story develops both men must face their sins and each other; where one man might lose his life while the other his sanity.